Monday, 30 October 2017

Energy-Based Penetration Model for Local Impact- Damaged Concrete Members

Title: Energy-Based Penetration Model for Local Impact- Damaged Concrete Members
Author(s): Hyeon-Jong Hwang, Sanghee Kim, and Thomas H.-K. Kang
Publication: Structural Journal
Volume: 114
Issue: 05
Appears on pages(s): 1189-1200
Keywords: impact load; kinetic energy; penetration; perforation; residual velocity
Date: 9/1/2017
Numerous empirical equations have been developed that predict the local damage of a concrete target subjected to an impact load. This is in part due to the fact that the local failure mechanism of concrete on collision is complicated. In this present study, an energy-based model is analytically proposed to better estimate the penetration depth and residual velocity of a projectile. The resistant energy of the concrete target and kinetic energy of the projectile are considered for spalling, tunneling, and scabbing failure modes. The predicted penetration depth and residual velocity are then compared to those from 414 existing test specimens. Based on the comparison, the proposed model predicts a variety of test results with reasonable precision. Further, to prevent the perforation failure of a concrete target, a safety factor is proposed that can be applied to the developed model.

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