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Friday, 24 February 2017
Adjusting Air Entrainment
Adjusting Air Entrainment
How to manage the most difficult admixture on the jobsite
It's possible that you as a contractor will never have to face up to
the problems that air entrainment can cause when it's either too high
or too low in concrete. For you, reading this article will serve as
background information. Hopefully this information also will cause you
to think more proactively to resolve problems involving air entrainment
before concrete is placed.
Air entraining admixtures can be troublemakers, but necessary ones.
By a wide margin, they create more problems for ready-mix producers,
contractors, and owners than all the other admixtures. Almost everything
influences them: ambient and concrete temperatures, the time it takes a
ready-mix truck to travel from the batch plant to the jobsite, mixing
time, the configuration of the mixing drum and the condition of the
mixing blades, the water-cement ratio of a mix, the type of portland
cement used, and other admixtures (especially polycarboxylate
superplasticizers), to name a few.
Owners might accept scaling in
plain concrete but not for colored decorative concrete. This failure
probably is due to low air entrainment.
When entrained air is too high, contractors can experience problems
when they finish it, especially when troweling machines are used. Too
much air also can cause problems when contractors stamp decorative
patterns in concrete. Concrete installed outdoors in freeze/thaw
climates without adequate air entrainment is especially susceptible to
scaling during the first or second winter. Placing concrete with too
much or too little air entrainment becomes the contractor's problem.
Even if tests eventually determine that others are responsible, the
concrete contractor is invariably the one to face an upset owner,
experience cash flow issues, and possibly have to remove and replace
work at their own expense. With this in mind, measuring and adjusting
air entrainment when concrete (especially first loads) arrives on the
jobsite becomes a way to manage risk.
Air and what it does
In simplest terms, air entraining admixtures are surfactants, such
as soap. They interact with the alkalinity of concrete to produce huge
volumes of small spherical air bubbles that typically range from 0.006
to 0.008 inch in diameter. Ideally they are spaced no more than about
0.008 inches apart or less. When air entrainment is added to concrete,
there is some effect on slump, and compressive strength is reduced by
about 500 psi in a standard 6-bag (564-pound) mix.
There are two kinds of air in concrete: entrapped and entrained.
Entrapped air is a result of the mixing process. As concrete is being
mixed about 1.5% air becomes entrapped. The bubbles are shaped
irregularly and have no effect on the concrete's durability because they
are too large, easily seen by the eye. Entrained bubbles are the
opposite. They are spherical, are best viewed under a microscope, and
provide durability under freeze/thaw conditions.
When you measure air in concrete, the percentage reading represents
the total amount of air—entrapped and entrained air. For example, if the
reading on an air meter is 6% air, it means that approximately 1.5% of
the total is entrapped air and 4.5% is entrained air. Though readings
are reported always as percentages, the percentage number isn't what
really counts. It's the size of the entrained bubbles and the space
between them that is important. This usually is determined by
petrographic analysis of hardened concrete. So percentage numbers
provide approximate results. Different mixes, depending on aggregate
sizes and the amount of cement powder in a mix, have different
percentage requirements. For example, one mix might need 6% air while
another needs only 4%. In each case, the bubble size and spacing should
be the same. When a pressure test isn't performed correctly, the error
usually results in higher readings.
Air entraining admixtures are used for three primary reasons. They
always are specified for concrete exposed to freeze/thaw conditions.
Occasionally, they are used to prevent bleeding—water coming to the
surface of freshly placed concrete (remember, water is required to make
bubbles). They also are used to reduce unit weights of concrete,
especially for lightweight aggregate mixes, reducing unit weight beyond
what the aggregates can provide.
Types of air entrainment
There are two general classifications today—wood-derived acid salts
(Vinsol resins) and synthetic resins. Vinsol resins have been on the
market the longest and many ready-mix producers continue to use them
because they are familiar with them. They work especially well with very
low water-cement mixes, developing good bubble structures—and are ideal
for road pavements. But when slump exceeds 6 inches, including placing
slumps when superplasticizers are added, entrainment readings begin to
decrease. Percentages also decrease the longer concrete mixes are in the
truck. After an hour in the truck, concrete can lose as much as 1% air
(0.25% every 15 minutes) and more admixture should be added.
Synthetic resins have exotic generic names such as “fatty acids,”
“gum resins,” and “tall oils” and have been in the marketplace for only a
few years. These admixtures can produce smaller bubble sizes spaced
closer together than Vinsol resins, offering greater durability under
freeze/thaw conditions. But they also entrain more air as slumps
increase, and can cause readings to be excessive. For example if a wet
load arrives on a jobsite with specified 6% air entrainment, or if your
crew adds water to make 6-inch or higher slumps, air entrainment
readings can increase to 20% and even higher, compromising other
properties of the concrete. You should measure the air before placing
concrete under these conditions.
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