Significance Statement
The ultra-high-performance concrete is
promising for use in construction sector due to its high tensile and
flexural performance coupled with its high compressive strength. Despite
these advantages, its high commercial cost which is mainly due to high
price of steel fiber and superplasticizer along with additional cost for
heat curing remains a big challenge.
In order to curb this challenge,
researchers have tried to reduce the required amounts by using different
types of steel fibers. It is also important to analyze factors that
influence the tensile and flexural performances of
ultra-high-performance concrete as they have been considered by previous
studies to be major influencers.
Research by Professor Young-Soo Yoon
from Korea University, Dr. Doo-Yeol Yoo from Hanyang University and Dr.
Su-Tae Kang at Daegu University investigated the flexure performance of
an ultra-high-performance concrete UHPC beams according to
their fiber length with the consideration of fiber distribution
characteristics such as fiber orientation, fiber dispersion, and number
of fibers in a unit area. The study is published in journal, Composite Structures.
From test results, it was seen that all
series exhibited deflection-hardening behavior generating a higher load
carrying capacity after first cracking. Beams with longer fiber length
had higher load carrying capacity and deflection capacity as minute
effect on post-peak ductility was seen.
After investigations on load carrying capacity and toughness at points of limit of proportionality and modulus of rupture MOR
and other deflection points L/600(d0.5), L/150(d2), L/100(d3) and
L/75(d4), results show that the fiber length of 19.5mm exhibited the
highest load and toughness and magnitude of load. Toughness decreases
with a decrease in fiber length except at point of proportionality. The
insignificant difference observed in the limit of proportionality was
due to the fact that first cracking behavior is more influenced by the
matrix strength rather than fiber bridging which is consistent with
findings from Yoo et al. Int. J. Dam Mech 2015.
Binary image analysis results on fiber
orientation and dispersion showed that for all test series, fibers near
the wall of the mold tends to be more aligned in the flow direction than
those being further from the wall as a result of wall effect. Poorer
fiber dispersion was obtained near the end of the specimens at the point
of placing concrete than the center of specimen which is due to
alignment of fibers parallel to cutting plane as a result of zero
velocity of flow at the end wall.
Lowest coefficients of fiber
orientation, dispersion and lowest number of fibers in a unit area were
obtained near the end of the specimen for all test series. Coefficients
of fiber dispersion increased with increasing flow distance up to 80mm
and similar values thereafter. However, higher packing density and fiber
orientation coefficient was obtained along the flow distance when
shorter fiber length was used. This result means that shorter fiber
length tends to be aligned parallel to flow direction than a longer
fiber length.
Finite element analysis showed flexural
strengths lesser than the experimentally obtained values for beams with
fiber length of 13mm. However, using a discrete crack approach with the
suggested tri-linear tension-softening curve, fairly well predicted the
experimental load-deflection responses of the ultra-high-performance
concrete beams with various fiber length.
This study finding on
flexural performance of ultra-high-performance concrete beams according
to their fiber length provides another avenue of reducing high cost
associated with ultra-high-performance concrete.

Journal Reference
Doo-Yeol Yoo1, Su-Tae Kang2, Young-Soo Yoon3 . Enhancing the flexural performance of ultra-high performance concrete using long steel fibers, Composite Structures, Volume 147, 2016, Pages 220–230.Show Affiliations Abstract
In this study, the flexural performance
and fiber distribution characteristics of ultra-high-performance
concrete (UHPC) were investigated according to the fiber length. To do
this, three different fiber lengths having an identical diameter were
used. Enhancements in flexural strength and energy absorption capacity
were observed when longer fibers (or higher aspect ratios of fiber) were
used, whereas insignificant effect of fiber length on the first
cracking properties (i.e., first cracking strength and corresponding
deflection) was obtained. Fiber length had a little influence on the
degree of fiber dispersion, but a significant influence on the fiber
orientation. A higher fiber orientation coefficient along the flow
distance was obtained when shorter fibers were used. A finite element
analysis incorporating previously suggested material models was
performed and verified by comparing the analytical results with the
present experimental data.
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