Friday 5 June 2020

High-Performance Concrete

High-Performance Concrete

  1. 1. High Performance Concrete 
  2. 2. Syllabus
  3.  • High Performance Concrete: Concrete of High Grades, various tests and application of high performance concrete
  4. 3. High Strength Concrete • Based on the compressive strength; concrete is normally classified as normal strength concrete, high strength concrete and ultra strength concrete. Indian standard recommended methods of mix design denotes the boundary at 35 Mpa between normal strength and high strength concrete. • The advent of pre-stressed concrete techniques has given impetus for making concrete of higher strength. High strength concrete is necessary for the construction of high rise building and long span bridges. • To achieve high strength, it necessary to use high cement content with the lowest possible W/C ratio which invariable affect the workability of the mix. It should be remembered that high cement content may liberate large heat of hydration causing rise in temperature which may affect setting and may result in excessive shrinkage.
  5. 4. High Strength Concrete
  6. 5. High Strength Concrete • Various methods of producing high strength concrete are: • (i) Seeding • (ii) Revibration • (iii) Inhibiting Cracks • (iv) Using admixtures • (v) Sulphur impregnation • Seeding is a process of adding a small quantity of finely ground, fully hydrated Portland cement to the fresh concrete mix. • Revibration of plastic concrete also improves the strength of concrete. Concrete undergoes plastic shrinkage. Mixing water creates continuous capillary channels and bleeding, reducing strength of concrete. Revibration removes all these defects and increases the strength of concrete.
  7. 6. Special methods of making high strength concrete Seeding: This involves adding a small percentage of finely ground, fully hydrated Portland cement to the fresh concrete mix.  Revibration: Controlled revibration removes all the defects like bleeding, water accumulates , plastic shrinkage, continuous capillary channels and increases the strength of concrete.  High speed slurry mixing: This process involves the advance preparation of cement - water mixture which is then blended with aggregate to produce concrete. Use of admixtures: Use of water reducing agents are known to produce increased compressive strength.
  8. 7. Inhibition of cracks: If the propagation of cracks is inhibited, the strength will be higher. Concrete cubes made this way have yielded strength up to 105MPa. Sulphur Impregnation: Satisfactory high strength concrete have been produced by impregnating low strength porous concrete by sulphur. The sulphur infiltrated concrete has given strength up to 58MPa. Use of Cementitious aggregates: Using slag as aggregate, strength up to 25MPa has been obtained with water cement ratio 0.32.
  9. 8. High Strength Concrete
  10. 9. High Strength Concrete • Various methods of producing high strength concrete are: • In conventional concrete, micro-cracks develop even before loading because of drying shrinkage and other volume change. When the structure is loaded the micro cracks open up and propagate. The weakness can be removed by inclusion of small, closely spaced and uniformly dispersed fibres in concrete. • Use of water reducing agents are known to produce increased compressive strength.
  11. 10. High Strength Concrete
  12. 11. High Performance Concrete • The development of high performance concrete (HPC) is a giant step in making concrete a high-tech material with enhanced characteristics and durability. High performance concrete is an engineered concrete obtained through a careful selection and proportioning of its constituents. The concrete is with the same basic ingredients but has a totally different microstructure than ordinary concrete.
  13. 12. High Performance Concrete • The low water cement ratio of HPC results in a very dense microstructure having a very fine and more or less well connected capillary system. • The dense microstructure of HPC, makes the migration of aggressive ions more difficult, consequently HPC is more durable when exposed to aggregate environment conditions. • High performance concrete can hence be defined as an engineered concrete with low water/ binder ratio to control its dimensional stability and when receive an adequate curing. • The cementitious component of high or any combination of cementitious material such as slag, fly ash, silica fume, metakaolin and filler such as, limestones.
  14. 13. High Performance Concrete • Concrete compressive strength is closely related to the density of hardened matrix. High performance concrete has also taught us that the coarse aggregate can be the weakest link in concrete when the strength of hydrated cement paste is drastically increased by lowering the water/binder ratio. In such case concrete failure can start to develop within the coarse aggregate itself. As a consequence, there can be exceptions to the water/ binder ratio law when dealing with HPC. When the concrete’s compressive strength is limited by the coarse aggregate, the only way to get higher strength is to use a stronger aggregate. • •If water curing is essential to develop the potential strength of cement in plain concrete, early water curing is crucial for high-performance concrete in order to avoid the rapid development of autogenous shrinkage and to control concrete dimensional stability, as explained below.
  15. 14. High Performance Concrete • The hydration of cement paste is accompanied by an absolute volume contraction that creates a very fine pore network within the hydrated cement paste. This network drains water from coarse capillaries, which start to dry out if no external water is supplied. Therefore, if no drying is occurring and no external water is added during curing, the coarse capillaries will be empty of water as hydration progresses. This phenomenon is called self desiccation. The difference between drying and self-desiccation is that, when concrete dries water evaporates to the atmosphere, while during-self desiccation water stay within the concrete i.e. It only migrates towards the very fine pores created by the volumetric contraction of the cement paste.
  16. 15. High Performance Concrete
  17. 16. High Performance Concrete • HPC must be cured quite differently from ordinary concrete because of the difference in shrinkage behaviour. The ordinary concrete exhibits no autogeneous shrinkage whether it is water cured or not, where as HPC can experience significant autogenous shrinkage if it is not water cured during the hydration process. While curing membranes provide adequate protection for ordinary concrete, they can only help prevent the development of plastic shrinkage in HPC. They have no value in inhibiting autogenous shrinkage. Therefore, the most critical period for any HPC runs from placement or finishing up to 2 to 3 days later
  18. 17. High Performance Concrete
  19. 18. High Performance Concrete • During this time the most critical period is usually from 12 to 36 hours. In fact, the short time during which efficient water curing must be applied to HPC can be considered a significant advantage over ordinary concrete.. In fact, the short time during which efficient water curing must be applied to HPC can be considered a significant advantage over ordinary concrete. Water ponding, whenever possible or fogging are the best ways to cure HPC.
  20. 19. High Performance Concrete • Concrete is the most widely used construction material in India with annual consumption exceeding 100 million cubic metres. It is well known that conventional concrete designed on the basis of compressive strength does not meet many functional requirements such as impermeability, resistance to frost, thermal cracking adequately. • Conventional Portland cement concrete is found deficient in respect of: • Durability in severe environs (Shorter service life and require maintenance) • Time of construction (longer release time of forms and slower gain of strength) • Energy absorption capacity (for earthquake-resistant structures) • Repair and retrofitting jobs • High performance concrete (HPC) successfully meets the above requirement.
  21. 20. High Performance Concrete • High performance concrete (HPC) is a specialized series of concrete designed to provide several benefits in the construction of concrete structures that cannot always be achieved routinely using conventional ingredients, normal mixing and curing practices. In the other words a high performance concrete is a concrete in which certain characteristics are .developed for a particular application and environment, so that it will give excellent performance in the structure in which it will be placed, in the environment to which it will be exposed, and with the loads to which it will be subjected during its design life.
  22. 21. High Performance Concrete
  23. 22. “High performance Concrete” • It includes concrete that provides either substantially improved resistance to environmental influences (durability in service) or substantially increased structural capacity while maintaining adequate durability. It may also include concrete, which significantly reduces construction time without compromising long-term serviceability. While high strength concrete, aims at enhancing strength and consequent advantages owing to improved strength, • the term high-performance concrete (HPC) is used to refer to concrete of required performance for the majority of construction applications.
  24. 23. “High performance Concrete” • In general, a “High performance Concrete” can be defined as that concrete which has the highest durability for any given strength class, and comparison between the concretes of different strength classes is not appropriate. This means that, with the available knowledge, one can always strive to achieve a better (most durable) concrete required for a particular application.
  25. 24. “High performance Concrete” • HPC is a concrete, which meets special performance, and uniformity requirements that cannot be always achieved by using only the conventional materials and normal mixing, placing, and curing practices. The performance requirements may involve enhancement of placement and compaction without segregation and long term mechanical properties, early age strength, toughness, volume stability, service life.
  26. 25. “High performance Concrete” • A High Performance concrete element is that which is designed to give optimized performance characteristics for a given set of load, usage and exposure conditions, consistent with requirement of cost, service life and durability. • High Performance concrete has, • (a) Very low porosity through a tight and refined pore structure of the cement paste. • (b) Very low permeability of the concrete • (c) High resistance to chemical attack. • (d) Low heat of hydration • (e) High early strength and continued strength development • (f) High workability and control of slump • (g) Low water binder ratio • (h) Low bleeding and plastic shrinkage
  27. 26. “High performance Concrete”
  28. 27. HPC Definition • American Concrete Institute (ACI) • A more broad definition of HPC was adopted by the ACI. HPC was defined as concrete, which meets special performance and uniformity requirements that cannot be always be achieved routinely by using only conventional materials and normal mixing, placing and curing practices. The requirements may involve enhancement of placement and compaction without segregation, long term mechanical properties, early age strength, volume stability or service life in severe environments. Concretes possessing many of these characteristics often achieve higher strength. Therefore, HPC is often of high strength, but high strength concrete may not necessarily be of high performance.
  29. 28. Composition of High Performance Concrete • The composition of HPC usually consists of cement, water, fine sand, super-plasticizer, fly ash and silica fume. Sometimes, quartz flour and fibre are the components as well for HPC having ultra strength and ultra ductility, respectively. The key elements of high performance concrete can be • summarized as follows: • Low water-to-cement ratio, • Large quantity of silica fume (and/or other fine mineral powders), • Small aggregates and fine sand, • High dosage of super-plasticizers, • Heat treatment and application of pressure which are necessary for ultra high strength concrete after mixing (at curing stage).
  30. 29. Composition of High Performance Concrete
  31. 30. Key Features of High Performance Concrete • HPC should have a better performance when compared to normal strength concrete. Three of the key attributes to HPC are, strength, ductility and durability.
  32. 31. Strength • In practice, concrete with a compressive strength less than 50MPa is regarded as NSC, while high strength concrete (HSC) may be defined as that having a compressive strength of about 50MPa. • Recently, concrete with the compressive strength of more than 200MPa has been achieved. Such concrete is defined as ultra high strength concrete. As the compressive strength of concrete has been steadily increasing with ample experimental validation • In general, the addition of admixture does not improve the concrete strength only. Usually, other aspects of performance, like ductility and durability, are also enhanced
  33. 32. Key Features of High Performance Concrete
  34. 33. Table shows the characteristics of different type of High Strength Concrete with various compositions.
  35. 34. Ductility • HPC is usually more brittle when compared with NSC, especially when high strength is the main focus of the performance. Ductility can be improved by applying a confining pressure on HPC. Besides confinement, the ductility of HPC can be improved by altering its composition through the addition of fibres in the design mix. Concrete with fibres inside is regarded as fibber reinforced concrete (FRC).
  36. 35. Ductility
  37. 36. Durability • Many researchers have conducted investigations related to concrete durability and have identified that the majority of concrete durability problems are related to the resistance of concrete to permeation of water and chemical ions. Such problems include corrosion of steel reinforcement, freeze- thaw damage, and alkaline-silica reaction.
  38. 37. Durability • The permeability of concrete is a key factor influencing the durability of concrete. Concrete permeability is dependent on permeability of each constituent material and its geometric arrangement. • The permeability of cement paste is primarily related to pore structure, which includes porosity, pore size and connectivity; while pore structure is a function of the water- to-cement ratio and the degree of hydration.
  39. 38. Durability
  40. 39. Methods for achieving High Performance • In general, better durability performance has been achieved by using high-strength, low w/c ratio concrete. Though in this approach the design is based on strength and the result is better durability, it is desirable that the high performance, namely, the durability, is addressed directly by optimizing critical parameters such as the practical size of the required materials. • Two approaches to achieve durability through different techniques are as follows. • (1) Reducing the capillary pore system such that no fluid movement can occur is the first approach. This is very difficult to realize and all concrete will have some interconnected pores. • (2) Creating chemically active binding sites which prevent transport of aggressive ions such as chlorides is the second more effective method.
  41. 40. Methods for achieving High Performance
  42. 41. Methods for achieving High Performance
  43. 42. Requirements for High-performance Characteristics • Permeation is a major factor that causes premature deterioration of concrete structures. • The provision of high-performance concrete must centre on minimizing permeation through proportioning methods and suitable construction procedures (curing) to ensure that the exposure conditions do not cause ingress of moisture and other agents responsible for deterioration.
  44. 43. Requirements for High-performance Characteristics • Permeation can be divided into three distinct but connected stages of transportation of moisture, vapour, air, gases, or dissolved ions. • It is important to identify the dominant transport phenomenon and design the mix proportion with the aim of reducing that transport mechanism which is dominant to a predefined acceptable performance limit based on permeability.
  45. 44. salient high-performance requirements
  46. 45. Salient High-performance Requirements
  47. 46. Salient High-performance Requirements • The parameter to be controlled for achieving the required performance criteria could be any of the following. • (1) Water/ (cement + mineral admixture) ratio • (2) Strength • (3) Densification of cement paste • (4) Elimination of bleeding • (5) Homogeneity of the mix • (6) Particle size distribution • (7) Dispersion of cement in the fresh mix • (8) Stronger transition zone • (9) Low free lime content • (10) Very little free water in hardened concrete
  48. 47. Salient High-performance Requirements
  49. 48. Material Selection • The main ingredients of HPC are almost the same as that of conventional concrete. • These are • 1) Cement • 2) Fine aggregate • 3) Coarse aggregate • 4) Water • 5) Mineral admixtures (fine filler and/or pozzolonic supplementary cementations materials) • 6) Chemical admixtures (plasticizers, super plasticizers, retarders, air- entraining agents)
  50. 49. Material Selection Cement • There are two important requirements for any cement: • (a) strength development with time and • (b) facilitating appropriate rheological characteristics when fresh. • 1) High C3A content in cement generally leads to a rapid loss of flow in fresh concrete. Therefore, high C3A content should be avoided in cements used for HPC. • 2) The total amount of soluble sulphate present in cement is a fundamental consideration for the suitability of cement for HPC.
  51. 50. Material Selection • 3) The fineness of cement is the critical parameter. Increasing fineness increases early strength development, but may lead to rheological deficiency. • 4) The super-plasticizer used in HPC should have long molecular chain in which the sulphate group occupies the beta position in the poly condensate of formaldehyde and melamine sulphate or that of naphthalene sulphate. • 5) The compatibility of cement with retarders, if used, is an important requirement.
  52. 51. Material Selection Coarse aggregate • The important parameters of coarse aggregate that influence the performance of concrete are its shape, texture and the maximum size. Since the aggregate is generally stronger than the paste, its strength is not a major factor for normal strength concrete, However, the aggregate strength becomes important in the case of high performance concrete. Surface texture and mineralogy affect the bond between the aggregates and the paste as well as the stress level at which micro cracking begins. The surface texture, therefore, may also affect the modulus of elasticity, the shape of the stress-strain curve and to a lesser degree, the compressive strength of concrete. Since bond strength increases at a slower rate than compressive strength, these effects will be more pronounced in High strength concrete. Tensile strengths may be very sensitive to differences in aggregate surface texture and surface area per unit volume.
  53. 52. Material Selection Mineral admixtures • Mineral admixtures form an essential part of the high-performance concrete mix. These are used for various purposes, depending upon their properties. More than the chemical composition, mineralogical and granulometric characteristics determine the influence of mineral admixture's role in enhancing properties of concrete. The fly ash (FA), the ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and the silica fume (SF) has been used widely as supplementary cementitious materials in high performance concrete. These mineral admixtures, typically fly ash and silica fume (also called condensed silica or micro silica), reduce the permeability of concrete to carbon dioxide (CO2) and chloride-ion penetration without much change in the total porosity.
  54. 53. Material Selection • Fly ash used as a partial replacement for cement in concrete, provides very good performance. Concrete is durable with continued increase in compressive strength beyond 28 days. There is little evidence of carbonation, it has low to average permeability and good resistance to chloride-ion penetration. • Silica fume not only provides an extremely rapid pozzolanic reaction, but its very fine size also provides a beneficial contribution to concrete. Silica fume tends to improve both mechanical properties and durability. Silica fume concretes continue to gain strength under a variety of curing conditions, including unfavourable ones. Thus the concretes with silica fume appear to be more robust to early drying than similar concretes that do not contain silica fume. • Silica fume is normally used in combination with high-range water reducers and increases achievable strength levels dramatically.
  55. 54. summary of the characteristics of different mineral admixtures
  56. 55. summary of the characteristics of different mineral admixtures
  57. 56. summary of the characteristics of different mineral admixtures
  58. 57. summary of the characteristics of different mineral admixtures Super-plasticizers or HRWR • The super-plasticizers are extensively used in HPCs with very low water cementitious material ratios. In addition to de-flocculation of cement grains and increase in the fluidity, the other phenomena that are likely to be present are the following. • (a) Induced electrostatic repulsion between particles. • (b) Dispersion of cement grains and consequent release of water trapped within cement flocks. • (c) Reduction of surface tension of water. • (d) Development of lubrication film between particles. • (e) Inhibition of the surface hydration reaction of the cement particles, leaving more water to fluidity the mix. • (f) Change in morphology of hydration products. • (g) Induced steric-hindrance preventing particle to particle contact.
  59. 58. summary of the characteristics of different mineral admixtures • The main objectives for using super-plasticizers are the following. • (i) To produce highly dense concrete to ensure very low permeability with adequate resistance to freezing-hawing. • (ii) To minimize the effect of heat of hydration by lowering the cement content. • (iii) To produce concrete with low air content and high workability to ensure high bond strength. • (iv) To lower the water-cement ratio in order to keep the effect of creep and shrinkage to a minimum. • (v) To produce concrete of lowest possible porosity to protect it against external attacks. • (vi) To keep alkali content low enough for protection against alkali-aggregate reaction and to • keep sulphate and chloride contents as low as possible for prevention of reinforcement corrosion. • (vii) To produce pumpable yet non-segregating type concrete.
  60. 59. summary of the characteristics of different mineral admixtures • Retarders • Retarders are, generally, recommended for HSC to minimize the slump loss problem. • However, it is difficult to maintain compatibility between the retarder and the super plasticizer. • Therefore, the Retarders are recommended only as a last resort; the rheology is better controlled by the use of appropriate mineral admixture (supplementary cementing material) discussed before
  61. 60. Mix Proportion • The main difference between mix designs of HPC and CC is the emphasis laid on • performance aspect also (in fresh as well as hardened stages of concrete) besides strength, in case of HPC, whereas in design of CC mixes, strength of concrete is an important criterion. By imposing the limitations on maximum water–cement ratio, minimum cement content, workability (slum, flow table, compaction factor, Vee-Bee consistency), etc., it is sought to assure performance of CC; rarely any specific tests are conducted to measure the durability aspects of CC, during the mix design. In HPC, however, besides strength, durability considerations are given utmost importance. To achieve high durability of HPC, the mix design of HPC should be based on the following considerations: • i) The water-binder (w/b) ratio should be as less as possible, preferably 0.3 and below. • ii) The workability of concrete mix should be enough to obtain good compaction (use suitable • chemical admixtures such as super-plasticizer (SP)). • iii) The transition zone between aggregate and cement paste should be strengthened (add fine • fillers such as silica fume (SF)).
  62. 61. Properties of High Performance Concrete Properties of Fresh Concrete • High performance concrete is characterized by special performance both short- and long-term and uniformity in behaviour. Such requirements cannot always be achieved by using only conventional materials or applying conventional practices. • It is wrong to believe that the mechanical properties of high performance concrete are simply those of a stronger concrete. It is also as wrong to consider that the mechanical properties of high-performance concrete can be deduced by extrapolating those of usual concretes as it would be wrong to consider that none of them are related. It is also wrong to apply blindly the relationships linking the mechanical properties of a usual concrete to its compressive strength that were developed through the years for usual concretes found in codes and text books.
  63. 62. Properties of High Performance Concrete Workability • The workability of HPC is normally good, even at low slumps, and HPC typically • pumps very well, due to the ample volume of cementing material and the presence of chemical admixtures, particularly HRWR. Due to reduced water-cementing material ratio no bleeding occurs. In the flowing concrete bleeding is prevented by providing adequate fines in the concrete mix. The cohesiveness of super-plasticized concrete is much better as a result of better dispersion of cement particles. Cohesion is a function of rheology of concrete mix, which is consequently improved. However, excessive dosages of super-plasticizer can induce some segregation, but it has little effect on physical properties of hardened concrete.
  64. 63. Properties of High Performance Concrete Curing • The compressive strength of HPC is less sensitive to temperature and relative humidity than the normal strength concrete. However, tensile strength of HSC has been found to be more sensitive. The concrete containing very large quantities of ground granulated blast furnace slag requires longer moist curing times to develop adequate strength and is more sensitive to drying than plain Portland cement concretes. • The higher internal temperatures frequently found with high early strength HPC can lead to a rapid strength gain in concrete accompanied by a consequent gain in elastic modulus. • The larger differential temperatures occurring within a stiffer concrete will create higher stresses and can cause more pronounced cracking than with normal concrete. These cracks will occur, regardless of the method of curing, due to stress caused by differential temperatures.
  65. 64. Properties of High Performance Concrete Properties of Hardened concrete • The behaviour of hardened concrete can be characterized in terms of its short-term (essential instantaneous) and long-term properties. Short-term properties include strength in compression, tension and bond, and modulus of elasticity. The long-term properties include creep, shrinkage, behaviour under fatigue, and durability characteristics such as porosity, • permeability, freezing-thawing resistance, and abrasion resistance.
  66. 65. Application of High Performance Concrete • Application of High Performance Concrete • Major applications of HPC have been in the areas of pavements, long-span bridges and high-rise buildings. • Pavements: • High Performance concrete is being increasingly used for highway pavements due to the potential economic benefits that can be derived from the early strength gain of high performance concrete, its reduced permeability, increased wear or abrasion resistance to steel studded tires and improved freeze-thaw durability. While the conventional normal strength concrete continue to be used in most cases of pavement construction, different types of high performance concretes are being considered for pavement repairs for early opening to traffic, bridge deck overlays, and special applications in rehabilitation of structures and other developments.
  67. 66. Application of High Performance Concrete • A durable concrete called fast track concrete designed to give high strength at a very early age without using special materials or techniques has been developed. The early strength is controlled by the water-cement ratio, cement content and its characteristics. Typically, a rich, low water content mix containing 1 to 2 per cent calcium chloride will produce adequate strength and abrasion resistance for opening the pavement to traffic in 4-5 hours at temperatures above 100C. Fast track concrete paving (FTCP) technology can be used for complete pavement reconstruction, partial replacement by an inlay of at least one lane, strengthening of existing bituminous or concrete pavements by a concrete overlay, rapid maintenance and reconstruction processes, and air-field pavements. The benefits of applying FTCP technology in such applications are: a reduced construction period, early opening of the pavement to traffic, and minimizing the use of expensive concrete paving plant. Flowable HSC overlays over thick bridge decks can make the construction cost effective.
  68. 67. Application of High Performance Concrete • Bridges: • The use of high performance concrete would result in smaller loss pre-stress and consequently larger permissible stress and smaller cross-section being achieved, i.e. it would enable the standard pre-stressed concrete girders to span longer distances or to carry heavier loads. In addition, enhanced durability allow extended service life of the structure. In case of precast girders due to reduced weight the transportation and handling will be economical. • Concrete structures are preferable for railway bridges to eliminate noise and vibration problems and minimize the maintenance cost. • In the construction of the concrete bridges and highway structures a general requirement of using a water-binder ratio of less than 0.40 combined with the use of silica fume so as to improve the chloride resistance against de-icing agents and marine environment is recommended. This process improvement will provide the advantages of reduced weight, increased strength and enhanced durability
  69. 68. High-strength concrete is often used in bridges
  70. 69. Application of High Performance Concrete • High-rise Buildings • The reasons for using the high strength concrete in the area of high-rise buildings are to reduce the dead load, the deflection, the vibration and the noise, and the maintenance cost. • Miscellaneous Applications • Fibre reinforced concrete has been used with and without conventional reinforcement in many field applications. These include bridge deck overlays, floor slabs, pavements and pavement overlays, refractories, hydraulic structures, thin shells, rock slope stabilization, mine tunnel linings and many precast products. The addition of steel fibres is known to improve most of the mechanical properties of concrete, namely, its static and dynamic tensile strengths, energy abrasion and toughness, and fatigue resistance. Hence proper utilization of steel fibre reinforced concrete depends on the skill of the engineer.
  71. 70. High-performance concrete is often used in bridges and tall buildings
  72. 71. Materials Used in High-Performance Concrete Material Primary contribution/Desired property Portland cement Cementing material/durability Blended cement Cementing material/durability/high strength Fly ash Cementing material/durability/high strength Slag Cementing material/durability/high strength Silica fume Cementing material/durability/high strength Calcined clay Cementing material/durability/high strength Metakaolin Cementing material/durability/high strength Calcined shale Cementing material/durability/high strength
  73. 72. Super plasticizers Flow ability High-range water reducers Reduce water to cement ratio Hydration control admixtures Control setting Retarders Control setting Accelerators Accelerate setting Corrosion inhibitors Control steel corrosion Water reducers Reduce cement and water content Shrinkage reducers Reduce shrinkage ASR inhibitors Control alkali-silica reactivity Polymer/latex modifiers Durability Optimally graded aggregate Improve workability and reduce paste demand
  74. 73. ConcreteEnvironment Deterioration Impact Resistance ConcreteEnvironment Durable Concrete (HPC) The required durability characteristics are governed by the application of concrete and by conditions expected to be encountered at the time of placement. These characteristics should be listed.
  75. 74. References • Concrete Technology by: R.P. Rethaliya • Concrete Technology by . M.S. Shetty • Internet websites •
  76. 75. Thanks
Structural Engineer
Madras Terrace Architectural Works