Monday 11 May 2020


·       Height of Parapet wall should be 1m
·       Thickness of DPC = 2.5cm or 1” inch
·       Height of building = 3.15m
·       Height of window = 2.1m
·       One bag of cement = 1.25cubic feet or 0.0347m3
·       Weight of one cement bag = 50kg
·       Minimum thickness of slab = 125mm
·       No. of cement bags in 1m3 = 28.8 bags
·       Lintel thickness = 15cm
·       Lintel is provided at 2.4m in case of a brick wall
·       Minimum the diameter of bass used in slap = 8mm
·       Minimum the diameter of bass used in column = 12mm
·       Minimum the diameter of bass in dowel bass = 12mm
·       Maximum ø bass in slab = ⅛×thickness of the slab
·       Maximum chair spacing = 1m
·       Dimensional tolerance of cube = ±2mm
·       Maximum water absorption of first-class brick = 15% if its day wt
·       Initial setting time of cement = 30minutes
·       Final setting time = 10hours(600minutes)
Ordinary Portland Cement
·       DPR = Detailed Project Report
·       Unit weight
1.     RCC = 25 KN/m3 = 25000 N/m3
2.     PCC = 24 KN/m3 = 24000 N/m3
3.     Steel = 7850 kg/m3
·       1 Gallon = 3.78 litres
·       Minimum No. of bass
1.     For square column or rectangular = 4bass
2.     For circular column = 6bass
·       Standard sand in India is obtained from Ennore, TamilNadu
·       1 Yard = 3 feet
·       Weight of steel = D2 / 162.2 kg/m
Weight of steel = D2 / 533 kg/ft
·       Slope od staircase = 25o  - 40o
·       Size of concrete testing cube = 150mm×150mm×150mm
·       Concrete cube is filled in 3 layers
·       Slump the cone is filled in 4 layers
·       Cement should be used within three months of manufacturing
·       Minimum the thickness of shear wall = 150mm
Maximum thickness if shear wall = 400mm
·       Universal the testing machine is used for compression test of concrete & tensile test of steel reinforcement
·       Minimum curing period
1.     7days → Normal weather condition
2.     10days → Dry & Hot weather condition
·       Minimum percentage of steel in column = 0.8% of Gross area
Maximum percentage of steel in column = 6% of Gross area
·       Nominal cover
1.     Footing = 50mm
2.     Column = 40mm
3.     Slab = 20mm
4.     Beam = 25mm
·       Least count:
1.     Compass = 30’ (30 minutes)
2.     Dumpy level = 5mm
3.     Auto level = 5mm
4.     Theodolite = 20” (20 seconds)
·       Air voids left in concrete is called as HONEY COMBING
·       The transverse reinforcement of column is called TIES
·       The transverse reinforcement in beams are called STRIPPERS
·       TMT → Thermomechanically treated Bars
TMX → Thermax powered Bars
SD → Super ductile Bars
HYSD → High Yield strength Deformed bars
CTD → Cold twisted deformed bars
·       Angle of staircase = 25o – 40o
·       Riser = 150mm – 200mm
Tread = 250mm – 300mm
·       Minimum hook length = 9D
·       Standard size of Brick = 19×9×9mm
·       Modular size of Brick = 20×10×10mm
·       No. of bricks in 1m3 = 500 bricks
·       No. of bricks in 230mm brick wall in 1cubic meter = 496 bricks (including wastage)
·       No. of bricks in 115mm thick wall for 1sq.m = 56
·       8 – 12kg of binding wire is used per metric tonne of steel 1000kg = 8kg   12kg
·       Cement ingredients are burnt at 1400oC temperature
·       1BHK stands for
    1Bedroom, 1Hall, 1Kitchen
·       Short columns fail in Crushing
·       Long columns fail in Buckling
·       Intermediate columns can fail in both Buckling and Crushing
·       Cement: Sand: Aggregate ratio for different grades of concrete
                 C:S: A
M7.5              1:4: 8
M10          1:3: 6
M15          1:2: 4
M20          1: 1.5: 3
M25          1:1: 2
·       Segregation is Separation of cement Sand and Aggregate w/c=0.4
1.     This is caused due to improper water-cement ratio w/c=
2.     It is also caused when concrete is poured above 1.5m high
·       Bleeding: when water comes out of freshly made concrete it is called as Bleeding of Concrete
·       Retarder is an admixture added to concrete which keeps concretely workable for longer time. It increases the setting time of concrete
       Eg: Sugar is a retarder      {accelerates calc2}
·       Deflection means temporary displacement
·       Deformation is permanent displacement
·       The the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of cement in concrete is called as water cement ratio
                          w/c = Weight of water       = 0.4
                                     Weight of cement     
w/c = 0.4
w/c = 0.35
·       1 Ordinary Portland cement → General construction
2 Pow heat cement → Damns
                                                 Retaining walls
        3 Sulphate Resisting Cement → Marine Structures prone to Sulphate attack
·       Grades of OPC
Compressive strength (N/mm2)
3 days
7 days
28 days
33 N/mm
16 N/mm2
33 N/mm2
43 N/mm
43 N/mm2
53 N/mm
53 N/mm2


                                           Tensile strength of concrete = 0.7 √fck
Flexural strength  fck = 20 N/mm2 M20
·       Modulus od elasticity of concrete
Ec = 5000√fck
·       Characteristics strength
           Strength below which not more than 5% of test results are expected to fail
            100 cubes
·       Ordinary concrete               M10    M15    M20
·       Standard concrete               M25     M20   M55
·       High strength concrete       M60            M80
·       RCC (M20)
·       In mixer machine concrete should be mixed for 2 – 3 minutes
·       Storage of Cement
1.     Cement should be stored in dry places
2.     200mm away from the floor (in a platform)
3.     300mm away from walls
4.     Not more than 10 bags stacked
5.     Away from moisture & chemicals
·       Water absorption for bricks 1st class should be <20%
·       Water absorption should be <5% for the building stones
·       F.O.S for steel = 1.15
·       F.O.S for concrete = 1.5
·       Youngs modulus of steel Es = 2×105 N/mm2
·       Types of steel
1.     Mild steel
   Fe 250
   250 N/mm2 is characteristic strength
   Fy = 250 N/mm2
·       HYSD → High Yield Strength Deformed bass
ü  Fe 415        Fy = 415 N/mm2
ü  Fe 500        Fy = 500 N/mm2

Structural Engineer

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