Journal Reference
Construction and Building Materials, Volume 100, 2015, Pages 70-82.Woubishet Zewdu Taffese, Esko Sistonen, Jari Puttonen
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Aalto University, P.O. Box 12100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland.
Reliable carbonation depth prediction of
concrete structures is crucial for optimizing their design and
maintenance. The challenge of conventional carbonation prediction models
is capturing the complex relationship between governing parameters. To
improve the accuracy and methodology of the prediction a machine
learning based carbonation prediction model which integrates four
learning methods is introduced. The model developed considers parameters
influencing the carbonation process and enables the user to choose the
best alternative of the machine based methods. The applicability of the
method is demonstrated by an example where the carbonation depths are
estimated using the developed model and verified with unseen data. The
evaluation proofs that the model predicts the carbonation depth with a
high accuracy.
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